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Chocolate based red

Chicken was born here with us! Meatballs daughter, and you can definitely tell it. Both little pistols but also so full of love. I can't wait to see what she has one day and the personality they get!



We consider Chili Chicken's long-lost sister. These two were practically attached to the hip the first time they met and nothing has changed since. Chili becomes sweeter and more affectionate as the days go by, but for the most part she does her own thing! And that's one reason we love her so much, her independence.




This beautiful sweet angel was just born here with us, and the moment we saw her that was it. We can't wait to get her color results back to see exactly what she is and the colors she carries. Her personality matches just how perfect she is. Total snuggler and lover. Can't wait to see her babies one day!


Blue & tan dapple pie

Where do I even start with Dale? He is a crazy man, but loves even harder. His sister is Bunnie and they are two peas in a pod. They play harder than anyone here, but in the best way possible. I can't wait to meet his babies one day!




This is Olive's sweet baby, and a part of her last liter she will ever have. Olive has been such a detrimental part of my breeding program and honestly my life. Anyone that meets her instantly falls in love and I knew I had to hold a baby back to continue in her footsteps and this little girl has done just that so far. So many names because we can't decide on one yet lol.

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